Algorithms for Walking, Running, Swimming, Flying, and Manipulation
© Russ Tedrake, 2024
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Note: These are working notes used for a course being taught at MIT. They will be updated throughout the Spring 2024 semester. Lecture videos are available on YouTube.
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My goal of presenting a relatively consumable survey of a few of the main ideas is perhaps more important in this chapter than any other. It's been said that "robust control is encrypted" (as in you need to know the secret code to get in). The culture in the robust control community has been to leverage high-powered mathematics, sometimes at the cost of offering more simple explanations. This is unfortunate, I think, because robotics and machine learning would benefit from a richer connection to these tools, and are perhaps destined to reinvent many of them.
The classic reference for robust control is
So far in the notes, we have concerned ourselves primarily with known, deterministic systems. In the stochastic systems chapter, we started our study of nonlinear dynamics of stochastic systems, which can be beautiful! In this chapter we will begin to consider computational tools for analysis and control of those systems. Stochasticity can come in many forms... we may not know the governing equations (e.g. the coefficient of friction in the joints), our robot may be walking on unknown terrain, subject to unknown disturbances, or even be picking up unknown objects. There are a number of mathematical frameworks for considering this uncertainty; for our purposes this chapter will generalizing our thinking to equations of the form: $$\dot\bx = {\bf f}(\bx, \bu, \bw, t) \qquad \text{or} \qquad \bx[n+1] = {\bf f}(\bx[n], \bu[n], \bw[n], n),$$ where $\bw$ is a new random input signal to the equations capturing all of this potential variability. Although it is certainly possible to work in continuous time, and treat $\bw(t)$ as a continuous-time random signal (c.f. Wiener process), the notation and intuition is a bit simpler when we work with $\bw[n]$ as a discrete-time random signal. For this reason, we'll devote our attention in this chapter to the discrete-time systems.
In order to simulate equations of this form, or to design controllers
against them, we need to define the random process that generates $\bw[n]$.
It is typical to assume the values $\bw[n]$ are independent and identically
distributed (i.i.d.), meaning that $\bw[i]$ and $\bw[j]$ are uncorrelated
when $i \neq j$. As a result, we typically define our distribution via a
probability density $\bw[n] \sim p_\bw(\bw)$
This modeling framework is rich enough for us to convey the key ideas;
but it is not quite sufficient for all of the systems I am interested in.
Given a stochastic model, what sort of cost function should we write in order to capture the desired aspect of performance? There are a number of natural choices, which provide nice trade-offs between capturing the desired phenomena and computational tractability.
Remember that $\bx[n]$ is now a random variable, so we want to write our cost and constraints using the distribution described e.g. $p_n(\bx)$. Broadly speaking, one might specify a cost in a handful of ways:
The term "robust control" is typically associated with the class of techniques that try to guarantee some worst-case performance or a worst-case bound (e.g. the gain bounds). The term "stochastic optimal control" or "stochastic control" is typically used as a catch-all for other methods that reason about stochasticity, without necessarily providing the strict robustness guarantees.
It's important to realize that proponents of robust control are not necessarily pessimistic by nature; there is a philosophical stance about how difficult it can be to model the true distribution of randomness that a control system will face in the world. Worst-case analysis typically requires only a definition of the set of possible values that the random variable can take, and not a detailed distribution over those possible values. It may be more practical to operationalize a concept like "this UAV will not crash so long as the peak wind gusts are below 35 mph" than requiring a detailed distribution over wind gust probabilities. But this simpler specification does come at some cost -- worst-case certificates are often pessimistic about the true performance of a system, and optimizing worst-case performance can lead to conservatism in the control design.
We already had quick preview into stochastic optimal control in one of the cases where it is particularly easy: finite Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). And we have seen that finite-state approximations can give us insights into even very complex nonlinear dynamics. Let's make sure that we understand how to do control design again the various cost and constraint formulations we've proposed above...
Let's consider a stochastic extension of the (discrete-time) LQR problem, where the system is now subjected to additive Gaussian white noise: \begin{gather*} \bx[n+1] = \bA\bx[n] + \bB\bu[n] + \bw[n],\\ E\left[\bw[i]\right] = 0, \quad E\left[ \bw[i]\bw^T[j] \right] = \delta_{ij}{\bf \Sigma_w},\end{gather*} where $\delta_{ij}$ is one if $i=j$ and zero otherwise, and ${\bf \Sigma_w}$ is the covariance matrix of the disturbance, and we take the average cost: $$\min E\left[ \sum_{n=0}^\infty \bx^T[n]\bQ\bx[n] + \bu^T[n] \bR\bu[n] \right], \qquad \bQ=\bQ^T \succeq 0, \bR = \bR^T \succ 0.$$ Note that we saw one version of this already when we discussed policy search for LQR.
In the standard LQR derivation, we started by assuming a quadratic form for the cost-to-go function. Is that a suitable starting place for this stochastic version? We've already studied the dynamics of a linear system subjected to Gaussian noise, and learned that (at best) we should expect it to have a Gaussian stationary distribution. But that sounds problematic, no? If the system can not drive the system to zero and stay at zero in order to stop accruing cost, then won't the infinite-horizon cost be infinite (regardless of the controller)?
Yes. The cost-to-go for this problem is infinite! But it turns out that it still has enough structure for us to work with. In particular, let's "guess" a cost-to-go function of the form: $$J_n(\bx) = \bx^T {\bf S}_n \bx + c_n,$$ where $c_n$ is a (scalar) constant. Now we can write the Bellman equation and do some algebra: \begin{align*} J_n(\bx) &= \min_\bu E_\bw\left[\bx^T \bQ \bx + \bu^T\bR\bu + [\bA\bx + \bB\bu + \bw]^T{\bf S}_{n+1}[\bA\bx + \bB\bu + \bw] + c_{n+1}\right] \\ & \begin{split}= \min_\bu &[\bx^T \bQ \bx + \bu^T\bR\bu + [\bA\bx + \bB\bu]^T{\bf S}_{n+1}[\bA\bx + \bB\bu] + c_{n+1} \\ &+ E_\bw\left[ [\bA\bx + \bB\bu]^T{\bf S}_{n+1} \bw + \bw^T{\bf S}_{n+1}[\bA\bx + \bB\bu]\right] + E_\bw[\bw^T \bw]]\end{split} \\ &= \min_\bu [\bx^T \bQ \bx + \bu^T\bR\bu + [\bA\bx + \bB\bu]^T{\bf S}_{n+1}[\bA\bx + \bB\bu] + c_{n+1} + \tr({\bf \Sigma_w})]. \end{align*} The second line follows by simply pulling all of the deterministic terms outside of the expected value. The third line follows by observing that $\bx$ and $\bu$ are uncorrelated with $\bw,$ and $E[\bw] = 0$, so those cross terms are zero in expectation. Notice that, apart from the $c_{n+1}$ and ${\bf \Sigma_w}$, the remaining terms are exactly the same as the deterministic (discrete-time) LQR version.
Remarkably, we can therefore achieve our dynamic programming recursion by using ${\bf S}_n$ as the solution of the discrete Riccati equation, and $c_n = c_{n+1} + \tr({\bf \Sigma_w}).$ As we take $n\rightarrow \infty$, ${\bf S}_n$ converges to the steady-state solution to the algebraic Riccati equation, and only $c_n$ grows to infinity. As a result, even though the cost-to-go is infinite, the optimal control is still well defined: it is the same $\bu^* = -{\bf K}\bx$ that we obtain from the deterministic LQR problem!
Take note of the fact that the true cost-to-go blows up to infinity. In reinforcement learning, for instance, it is common practice to avoid this blow-up by considering discounted-cost formulations, $$\sum_{n=0}^\infty \gamma^n \ell(\bx[n], \bu[n]),\quad 0 < \gamma \le 1,$$ or average-cost formulations, $$\lim_{N\rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=0}^N \ell(\bx[n], \bu[n]).$$ These are satisfactory solutions to the problem, but please make sure to understand why they must be used.
The LQR derivation above assumed that the disturbances $\bw[n]$ were independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). But many of the disturbances we would like to model are not i.i.d.. For instance, consider a UAV flying in the wind. The wind is correlated over time, sometimes building up to gusts but even those gusts are relatively long compared to any the sampling rate of a control system.
In fact, the standard models of wind are typically the output of a
Gaussian i.i.d. random signal passed through a linear low-pass filter
I've adapted our simple 2D quadrotor model to have an (optional) additional
input port for Cartesian force disturbances. For the wind, I've added a
to generate the output of iid Gaussain random
process, multiplied that by a scalar Gain
to scale the
covariance, and then put it through a FirstOrderLowPassFilter
make the colored noise wind model.
In the notebook, I've implemented LQR both ways: first the traditional LQR
on the quadrotor system only (ignoring the wind), and second on the
diagram that includes the Gain
and LowPassFilter
systems in addition to the quadrotor.
Coming soon...
We've already seen one nice example of robustness analysis for linear systems when we wrote a small optimization to find a common Lyapunov function for uncertain linear systems. That example studied the dynamics $\bx[n+1] = \bA \bx[n]$ where the coefficients of $\bA$ were unknown but bounded.
We also saw that
essentially the same technique can be used to certify stability against
disturbances, e.g.: $$\bx[n+1] = \bA\bx[n] + \bw[n], \qquad \bw[n] \in
\mathcal{W},$$ where $\mathcal{W}$ describes some bounded set of possible
uncertainties. In order to be compatible with convex optimization, we
often choose to describe $\mathcal{W}$ as either an ellipsoid or as a
convex polytope
A polytope is a bounded polyhedron. Let's take a moment to understand how a
polytope propagates through a linear dynamical system. There are a number of
possible representations for a polytope. The most common the so-called "H-rep",
or half-space representations, which is described by the linear constraints
${\bf H}\bx \le {\bf h}$, or the "V-rep", or vertex representation, which is
described by the convex hull of a set of vertices. For optimization, we often
also study "zonotopes", which are defined as the affine projection of a unit
cube, or the more general "AH-polytopes" which are the affine projection of an
H-polytope MathematicalProgram
Let's develop our notation for H-polytope and AH-polytopes here. We'll define a polytope, $\mathbb{P} \subset \Re^n,$ as an H-polytope using $$\mathbb{P} = \mathcal{H}({\bf H}, {\bf h}) := \{\bx \in \Re^n | {\bf H} \bx \le {\bf h} \}.$$ For an AH-polytope, we write $$\mathbb{X} := \mathcal{AH}({\bf T}, {\bf t}, \mathbb{P}) := \{{\bf T}\bx + {\bf t} \in \Re^n | \bx \in \mathbb{P} \subset \Re^m \},$$ where ${\bf T} \in \Re^{n \times m}$ and ${\bf t} \in \Re^n$ define the affine transform. Note that AH-polytope can be the projection of an H-polytope with a different ambient dimension.
AH-polytopes are closed under many of the essential operations we need for
linear dynamical systems
We can actually use this set notation now directly to write the dynamics of a polytope (over state) as it propagates through an uncertain linear dynamical system: $$\bx[n+1] = \bA \bx[n] + \bw[n], \quad \bx[0] \in \mathbb{X}_0, \bw[n] \in \mathbb{W}.$$ The result is $$\mathbb{X}_{n+1} = \bA \mathbb{X}_n \oplus \mathbb{W}.$$ Beautiful! But please notice one important detail: the description size of the polytope (via the ambient dimension of the underlying H-polytope) is growing on each time step, due to the Minkowski sum with $\mathbb{W}$. The sets can get complicated for long-horizon rollouts.
Although I've written out polytopic reachability for a closed-loop linear
system (+ noise) so far, one can similarly propagate the polytopic dynamics
under a feedback control of the form \begin{gather*}\bx[n+1] = \bA\bx[n] +
\bB\bu[n] + \bw[n], \\
\mathbb{X}_{n+1} = (\bA\mathbb{X}_n + \bB\bu_n) \oplus \mathbb{W}.\end{gather*} This leads to a form of
robust model-predictive control commonly referred to as "TubeMPC"
Coming soon...
One objective we might like to specify in our optimization is that the entire reachable set at the final time is inside a goal set, e.g. $\mathbb{X}_N \subseteq \mathbb{X}_{goal}.$ Checking this condition is a "polytopic containment" problem -- a classic problem in computational geometry. But we want to be able to optimize the form of $\mathbb{X}_N$ (via optimizing the sequence of control decisions), so we want to be able to embed the polytopic containment problem as just an additional set of constraints in our MPC problem.
Coming soon...
If one is simply performing reachability analysis (not joint with control design), then polytopic containment can also be used on each time step to limit the growth of the description length of the polytopes. We can attempt to replace $\mathbb{X}_n$ with a minimal volume polytope, $\hat{\mathbb{X}}_n$ with a fixed number of faces, subject to $\mathbb{X}_n \subseteq \hat{\mathbb{X}}_n.$ This, of course, comes at the cost of conservatism (larger reachable sets).
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
Although it would be tempting to parameterize the feedback gains $\bK_n$ as
decision variables in our Robust MPC framework, searching for both $\bK_n$ and
$\bx_n$ in the traditional parameterization of $\bK_n\bx_n$ would result in terms
that are bilinear (and therefor nonconvex) in the decision variables. The
disturbance-based feedback parameterizations get around this. This is an old but
important idea which was made famous first as the Youla
parameterization (alternatively "Q-parameterization"). In the time domain this
typically leads to controllers which are "unrolled in time" and depend on a
potentially infinite history of disturbances; common practice it to approximate
these with a finite-impulse response (FIR) truncation. One could imagine
extracting a state-space realization of these FIR responses using the techniques
from linear system identification
We can understand the essence of this idea with a simple extension of the LQR with least-squares derivation... (it's a work in progress!)
Given the state space equations: \begin{gather*} \bx[n+1] = \bA\bx[n] + \bB\bu[n] + \bw[n],\end{gather*} Consider parameterizing an output feedback policy of the form $$\bu[n] = \bK_0[n] \bx_0 + \sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\bK_i[n]\bw[n-i],$$ then the closed-loop state is convex in the control parameters, $\bK$: \begin{align*}\bx[n] =& \left( {\bf A}^n + \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{\bf A}^{n-i-1}{\bf B}{\bf K}_0[i] \right) \bx_0 + \sum_{j=0}^{n-1} \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}{\bf A}^{n-i-1}{\bf B}{\bf K}_{j}[i] \bw[i-j],\end{align*} and therefore objectives that are convex in $\bx$ and $\bu$ (like LQR) are also convex in $\bK$. Moreover, we can calculate $\bw[n]$ by the time that it is needed given our observations of $\bx[n+1], \bx[n],$ and knowledge of $\bu[n].$
By limiting $\bw$ to be drawn from a bounded (polytopic) set, we were able to perform efficient reachability analysis. But knowing that the dependency on $\bw$ is linear allows us to do something potentially even more natural, which can lead to tighter bounds. In particular, we expect the magnitude of the deviation in $\bx$ compared to the undisturbed case to be proportional to the magnitude of the disturbance, $\bw$. So a perhaps more natural bound for a linear system is a relative bound on the magnitude of the response (from zero initial conditions) relative to the magnitude of the disturbance.
Typically, this is done with the a scalar "$L_2$ gain", $\gamma$, defined as: \begin{align*}\argmin_\gamma \quad \subjto& \quad \sup_{\bw(\cdot) \in \int \|\bw(t)\|^2 dt\le \infty} \frac{\int_0^T \| \bx(t) \|^2 dt}{\int_0^T \| \bw(t) \|^2dt} \le \gamma^2, \qquad \text{or} \\ \argmin_\gamma \quad \subjto& \sup_{\bw[\cdot] \in \sum_n \|\bw[n]\|^2 \le \infty} \frac{\sum_0^N \|\bx[n]\|^2}{\sum_0^N \| \bw[n] \|^2} \le \gamma^2.\end{align*} The name "$L_2$ gain" comes from the use of the $\ell_2$ norm on the signals $\bw(t)$ and $\bx(t)$, which is assumed only to be finite.
More often, these gains are written not in terms of $\bx[n]$ directly, but in terms of some "performance output", $\bz[n]$. For instance, if would would like to bound the cost of a quadratic regulator objective as a function of the magnitude of the disturbance, we can minimize $$ \min_\gamma \quad \subjto \quad \sup_{\bw[n]} \frac{\sum_0^N \|\bz[n]\|^2}{\sum_0^N \| \bw[n] \|^2} \le \gamma^2, \qquad \bz[n] = \begin{bmatrix}\sqrt{\bQ} \bx[n] \\ \sqrt{\bR} \bu[n]\end{bmatrix}.$$ This is a simple but important idea, and understanding it is the key to understanding the language around robust control. In particular the $\mathcal{H}_2$ norm of a system (from input $\bw$ to output $\bz$) is the energy of the impulse response; when $\bz$ is chosen to represent the quadratic regulator cost as above, it corresponds to the expected LQR cost. The $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ norm of a system (from $\bw$ to $\bz$) is the largest singular value of the transfer function; it corresponds to the $L_2$ gain.
One of the mechanisms for certifying an $L_2$ gain for a system
comes from a generalization of Lyapunov analysis to consider the contributions of system inputs via the so-called "dissipation
inequalities". Dissipation inequalities are a general tool, and
$L_2$-gain analysis is only one application of them; for a broader
treatment see
Informally, the idea is to generalize the Lyapunov conditions, $V(\bx) \succ 0, \dot{V}(\bx) \preceq 0,$ into the more general form $$V(\bx) \succ 0, \quad \dot{V}(\bx) \preceq s(\bx, \bw),$$ where $\bw$ is the input of interest in this setting, and $s()$ is a scalar quantity representing a "supply rate". Once a system has input, the value of $V$ may go up or it may go down, but if we can bound the way that it goes up by a simple function of the input, then we may still be able to provide input-to-state or input-output bounds for the system. Integrating both sides of the derivative condition with respect to time yields: $$\forall \bx(0),\quad V(\bx(T)) \le V(\bx(0)) + \int_0^T s(\bx(t), \bw(t))dt.$$
To obtain a bound on the $L_2$ gain between input $\bw(t)$ and output $\bz(t)$, the supply rate of interest is $$s(\bx,\bw) = \gamma^2 \|\bw\|^2 - \|\bz\|^2,$$ which yields $$\forall \bx(0),\quad V(\bx(T)) \le V(\bx(0)) + \int_0^T \gamma^2 \|\bw(t)\|^2dt - \int_0^T \|\bz(t)\|^2dt .$$ Now, since this must hold for all $\bx(0)$, it holds for $\bx(0) = 0$. Furthermore, we know $V(\bx(T))$ is non-negative, so we also have $$0 \le V(\bx(T)) \le \int_0^T \gamma^2 \|\bw(t)\|^2dt - \int_0^T \|\bz(t)\|^2dt .$$ Therefore, if we can find a $V$ that satisfied the dissipation inequality for this storage function, we have certified the $\gamma$ is an $L_2$ gain for the system: $$ \frac{\int_0^T \| \bz(t) \|^2 dt}{\int_0^T \| \bw(t) \|^2dt} \le \gamma^2.$$
Coming soon...
Let's consider a robust variant of the LQR problem: \begin{gather*} \min_{\bu[\cdot]} \max_{\bw[\cdot]} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \bx^T[n]\bQ\bx[n] + \bu^T[n] \bR\bu[n] - \gamma^2 \bw^T[n]\bw[n],\\ \bx[n+1] = \bA\bx[n] + \bB\bu[n] + \bB_\bw \bw[n],\\ \bQ=\bQ^T \succeq 0, \bR = \bR^T \succ 0. \end{gather*} The reason for this choice of cost function will become clear in the derivation, but the intuition is that we want to reward the controller for having a small response to large $\bw[\cdot]$. Note that unlike the stochastic LQR formulation, here we do not specify the distribution over $\bw[n]$, and in fact we don't even restrict it to a bounded set. All we know is that at each time step, an omniscient adversary is allowed to choose the $\bw[n]$ that tries to maximize this objective.
In fact, since we don't need to specify a continuous-time random process and the continuous-time derivation is both cleaner and by now, I think, more familiar, let's do this one in continuous time. \begin{gather*} \min_{\bu[\cdot]} \max_{\bw[\cdot]} \int_{n=0}^\infty dt \left[\bx^T(t)\bQ\bx(t) + \bu^T(t) \bR\bu(t) - \gamma^2 \bw^T(t)\bw(t)\right],\\ \dot\bx(t) = \bA\bx(t) + \bB\bu(t) + \bB_\bw \bw(t),\\ \bQ=\bQ^T \succeq 0, \bR = \bR^T \succ 0. \end{gather*} We will once again guess a quadratic cost-to-go function: $$J(\bx) = \bx^T {\bf S} \bx, \quad {\bf S} = {\bf S}^T \succ 0.$$ The dynamic programming recursion still holds for this problem , resulting in the Bellman equation: $$\forall \bx,\quad 0 = \min_\bu \max_\bw \left[\bx^T\bQ\bx + \bu^T\bR\bu - \gamma^2 \bw^T\bw + \pd{J^*}{\bx}[\bA\bx + \bB\bu + \bB_\bw \bw]\right].$$ Since the inside is a concave quadratic form over $\bw$, we can solve for the adversary by finding the maximum: \begin{gather*} \pd{}{\bw} = -2 \gamma^2 \bw^T + 2\bx^T {\bf S} \bB_\bw,\\ \bw^* = \frac{1}{\gamma^2} \bB_\bw^T {\bf S} \bx.\end{gather*} This is the disturbance input that can cause the largest cost; the optimal play for the adversary. Now we can solve the remainder as we did with the original LQR problem: \begin{gather*} \pd{}{\bu} = 2 \bu^T \bR + 2\bx^T {\bf S} \bB,\\ \bu^* = -\bR^{-1} \bB^T {\bf S} \bx = -\bK \bx.\end{gather*} Substituting this back into the Bellman equation gives: $$0 = \bQ + {\bf S}\left[ \gamma^{-2} \bB_\bw \bB_\bw^T - \bB \bR^{-1} \bB^T \right]{\bf S} + {\bf S}^T \bA + \bA^T {\bf S},$$ which is the original LQR Riccati equation with one additional term involving $\gamma.$ And like the original LQR Riccati equation, we must ask whether it has a positive-definite solution for ${\bf S}$. It turns out that if the system is stabilizable and $\gamma$ large enough, then it does have a PD solution. However, as we reduce $\gamma$ towards zero, there will be some threshold $\gamma$ beneath which this Riccati equation does not have a PD solution. Intuitively, if $\gamma$ is too small, then the adversary is rewarded for injecting disturbances that are so large as to break the convergence.
Here is the fascinating thing: the $\gamma$ in this robust LQR cost function can be interpreted as an $L_2$ gain for the system. Recall that when we were making connections between the Bellman equation and Lyapunov equations, we observed that the Bellman equation can be written as $\forall \bx, \quad \dot{J}^*(\bx) \le -\ell(\bx,\bu)$? Here this yields: $$\forall \bx, \quad \dot{J}^*(\bx) \le \gamma^2 \bw^T(t)\bw(t) - \bx^T(t)\bQ\bx(t) - \bu^T(t) \bR\bu(t).$$ This means that the cost-to-go is a valid dissipation inequality for the supply rate that provides an $L_2$ gain for the performance output $\bz = \begin{bmatrix}\sqrt{\bQ} \bx \\ \sqrt{\bR} \bu\end{bmatrix}.$ Moreover, we can find the minimal $L_2$ gain by finding the minimal $\gamma > 0$ for which the Riccati equation has a positive-definite solution. And given the properties of the Riccati equation, this can be done with a line search in $\gamma$.
Because the $L_2$ gain is the $\mathcal{H}_\infty$-norm of the system, this recipe of searching for the smallest $\gamma$ and taking the Riccati solution is an instance of $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ control design.
The standard criticism of $\mathcal{H}_2$ optimal control is that minimizing the expected value does not allow any guarantees on performance. The standard criticism of $\mathcal{H}_\infty$ optimal control is that it concerns itself with the worst case, and may therefore be conservative, especially because distributions over possible disturbances chosen a priori may be unnecessarily conservative. One might hope that we could get some of this performance back if we are able to update our models of uncertainty online, adapting to the statistics of the disturbances we actually receive. This is one of the goals of adaptive control.
One of the fundamental problems in online adaptive control is the trade-off between exploration and exploitation. Some inputs might drive the system to build more accurate models of the dynamics / uncertainty quickly, which could lead to better performance. But how can we formalize this trade-off?
There has been some nice progress on this challenge in machine
learning in the setting of (contextual) multi-armed
bandit problems. For our purposes, you can think of bandits as a
limiting case of an optimal control problem where there are no dynamics
(the effects of one control action do not effect the results of the next
control action). In this simpler setting, the online optimization
community has developed exploration-exploitation strategies based on the
notion of minimizing regret -- typically the accumulated
difference in the performance achieved by my online algorithm vs the
performance that would have been achieved if I had been privy to the data
from my experiments before I started. This has led to methods that make
use of concepts like upper-confidence bound (UCB) and more recently
bounds using a least-squares squares confidence bound
In the last few years, we've see these results translated into the setting of linear optimal control...
L2-gain with dissipation inequalities. Finite-time verification with sums of squares.
Occupation Measures
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